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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Rambling about Nintendo: the WiiU to the switch, Zelda Breath Of The Wild, etc.

Its not really a secret that I'm a huge fan of Nintendo. I LOVE THEM! So today since the Nintendo E3 conference was last night I'm going to write about my love for this company. This is going to be a very ramble filled post so if that's not what you want top read then I suggest you stop reading. This is NOT  a review.

So admittedly recently they haven't been on top form, the WiiU was a flop, lets be honest. I personally didn't get one until Christmas 2015 and even then I bought it as a gift for my boyfriend. It did have some fairly good games released for it though. ZombiU was a fairly good game if slightly confusing at times, we have yet to finish it because it often gets just too hard at times. Yoshi's woolly world was an adorable adventure although due to it being aimed at a younger audience it was a bit too easy at times. Overall I think the game choice for the WiiU was decent but at the same it lacked a lot. the fact that it didn't even get its own Zelda game until the switch brought it breath of the wild really said something. Even then it kind of felt like a sorry gift for people who bought the WiiU and expected way m,ore from it, like "we're sorry we didn't do well with this. Here's Zelda."

The idea of the WiiU was really clever in my option. having the game pad being touch screen and being able to play it on the TV could have been amazing had they done it a little better. as far as I can tell a lot of games didn't really make enough use of this feature. They did in a way learn from their mistakes with the switch, using a touch screen and giving it the ability to play both in handheld mode and the TV.

Lets be honest though. The switch is REALLY GREAT. The combination of both handheld and TV gaming is amazing. Handheld mode is surprisingly comfortable despite the size of the console and the graphics OH BOY THE GRAPHICS ARE GORGEOUS. People talk a lot about Breath Of The Wild being a beautiful game and they are not wrong. The world design is stunning, the character design is perfection, and the game play is wonderful. One thing to note about this is that it doesn't follow the typical Zelda game formula and is much more reminiscent of other open world RPGs such as Skyrim (which is also coming out for the switch and I'm STOKED), this doesn't take away from the game at all. It still follows a similar story line to all other Zelda games, it just goes about it in a new, exciting way. The only tiny small issue I have with this game is the difficulty. Normally I find Zelda games really hard. I will admit that I have never finished a Zelda game. I know. Shocking. But this game just seems a little bit too easy to me. Maybe I've somehow become much better at games, guess I should bring Phantom Hourglass back out and try out my new found Zelda skills. I just hope that paying for the DLC that adds hard mode is worth it. There are some aspects of the game that are hard, just not the bosses, the things you expect to be hard.

As for the future of the switch, I think its going to do well. Judging by the titles already being announced I think the switch is going to continue to sell and sell well. Mario Odyssey looks amazing ans with a release date for the end of October I expect a lot of kids (and adults) will be asking for it for Christmas. At first I thought Mario Odyssey looked weird and way too different from all other Mario games to work. But the more I see of it, the more convinced I am. The inde games being released also look amazing. Overall I think the games will make the switch go far.

Maybe I'm biased because I just really love Nintendo. What do you think?
Thanks for reading!

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